Price : $179 NULLED
Looking for the best theme for boosting your sports nutrition business? Meet Hard Gainer in all its glory! Being fully responsive, this Magento 2 theme has a clean captivating design so your customers can easily stay focused on your supplement goods. A trendy website slider on the main page allows you to show up all hot deals of your store to capture the audience, meanwhile, an elegant product carousel and star rating will help you to create a fancy productsa€™ presentation. Multiple shopping options allow your clients to search for products by brand, category, manufacturer, dietary restrictions, price, or manufacturer while sorting options will help them to choose healthy food by price, product name, or position. Moreover, a stick-to-top MegaMenu together with a drop-down cart will provide your customers with a speedy and enjoyable shopping process. To say more, your clients can easily stay up-to-date with your nutrition store news and promotions thanks to a newsletter subscription. This supplement store Magento 2 theme will definitely help you to enhance your clients base and to spread a word about your store all over the web.
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Sports Nutrition Magento 2 Theme
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