Military School Responsive Joomla Template №64728

Military School Responsive Joomla Template New Screenshots BIG

Price : $75 NULLED

Need to take your military school online? Build your website with this fully responsive and well-documented military school Joomla template! It comes with a simple step by step documentation, a hassle-free installation process, a user-friendly interface, and crossbrowser compatibility. A neat website slider on the main page will help you to present the main information about your military academy professionally. Meanwhile, a powerful gallery will help you to showcase school’s projects and photos in the best light. Here you also get a rich choice of additional pages to provide all the details about your military classes. Moreover, versatile UI elements allow you to spice up all the information with multiple types of content. This military Joomla template is pre-loaded with social login, progress bars, readable fonts, a stick-to-top menu, Google map, contact form, and a wide range of other features to help you promote your military training school on the web!

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