Price : $179 NULLED
Tool Store Magento 2 Theme was intended to power any equipment site on the fly. Apart from necessary features, moderate, distraction-free design it stores under the hood an advanced online shop functionality, which will help you to start selling your goods on the web like a pro. Herea€™s how this responsive and Parallax template, created with care and Magento extensions can be beneficial for you. In case you need to raise the popularity of your brand online, feel free to use social options and simplify the process of sharing your page for visitors. Skillfully crafted MegaMenu is there to help your future customers soar on your site while an integrated live search is a way to find necessary pages by means of keywords. Ajax Products Filter can be used to sort items by multiple categories, visitors will be able to explore the assortment of your store and make the most advantageous decision for them. Find out all the secrets of Tool Store Magento 2 Theme by clicking on the demo.
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Tool Store Magento 2 Theme
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