Refined Clothing PrestaShop Theme №51964

Refined Clothing PrestaShop Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $139 NULLED

Many people prefer buying clothes online. You can easily cater to their needs and earn your living at the same time. However, there is one condition that will help all your dreams come true. The design of your store should be appealing and differentiate your store from the rest of others. This one is a perfect match. A sketchy male silhouette in the background imparts special charm to the page. Four square banners share the space with slider and have zooming effect. The most popular clothing brands are presented under this section. Main menu together with tabbed navigation in the content area let the visitors quickly find what they are looking for. Custom blocks give you additional possibility to post your essential information on the home page. This store has all necessary features for successful eCommerce, so enough hesitations, it’s time for action!

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