Price : $16 NULLED
Trends – email template compatible with StampReady, MailChimp , Campaign Monitor & Mymail and suitable for estore, fashion, ecom and business categories.
- Multipurpose templates
- Responsive templates
- MailChimp Compatible
- Campaign Monitor Compatible
- StampReady Compatible
- Mymail – WordPress Plugin Compatible
- Major browser compatible [IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
- Major email clients support [Apple mail, Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail ]
ZIP file contains
- Folder contains:
- Raw HTML, StampReady, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor and Mymail Files
- PSD File
- Help File
- GMail, Yahoo and Outlook ignore Google Fonts and display fall-back fonts
- Images are used for demo purpose and not included in the pack