Holiday Cards Magento Theme

Deluxe Card - Special Occasion Cards Store Magento Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $179 NULLED

User-friendly, SEO optimized and fully responsive Holiday Cards Magento Theme boasts bright design and advance online store functionality, that would breathe new life into your special occasion cards store. In addition, it has attention triggers like newsletter pop up, skillfully animated banners and product badges, which will grab the attention of visitors and emphasize it on your special offers. Also, your clients will be able to create a personal account by means of user registration and ease the process of shopping for them in the future. Neat MegaMenu and live search provide for a smooth navigation and will give the target audience an opportunity to soar on your site. After reaching a necessary page and finding the desired item users will be able to save them for later with wishlist, make the right decision by means of
Ajax compare or add them to an Ajax cart and quickly get back to shopping without reloading the page. Take a close look at Holiday Cards Magento Theme by means of the live demo preview.

Live Demo


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