Jewelrix Magento Theme №58903

Jewelrix - Jewelry Store Magento 2 Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $179 NULLED

Jewelrix is a powerful and fully responsive template running on Magento 2 framework. Best suited for jewelry web stores, it can be also adjusted to fit beauty, fashion, and a whole lot of other purposes. The theme is well-documented and includes a pack of advanced customization options, providing for its quicker and effortless modification. The theme features a clear layout structure, guiding the users’ eye to the store’s items. For quicker and seamless browsing, the header is enhanced with a sticky MegaMenu. Unique catalog and product pages, Ajax catalog filter, product badges, and sliders are intended to enhance the users’ online shopping experience. Social media integration and a built-in newsletter subscription form will keep the audience always updated on your latest news.

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