Price : $69 NULLED
Try out this nice Cosmetic Store Responsive OpenCart template if youa€™re a cosmetics store owner and you need a fast, reliable and stylish website for your store. Being based on OpenCart platform, this template has a lot to offer. First, parallax scrolling. Ita€™s one of the most advanced technologies of modern web design, when the background images move slowly than the elements located in the foreground. That will create stunning visual effects on your website. Second, Ajax search and Ajax cart, that will make your visitors able to use live search function and to see the total price when they change the quantity of products in cart without need to manually click a€?update carta€? button. And thata€™s just a few examples, this template can offer many more! Also, a 24/7 lifetime support, free of charge, comes with our every product.
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Cosmetics Store Responsive OpenCart Template №64926
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