Price : $139 NULLED
Kinder is a Baby Toys PrestaShop Theme for the next generation online stores. Flexible, scalable and simple in use, it makes a breeze running a store of any level of complexity. Its core feature is the customization tool, which offers you a choice of 3 headers, 3 homepage layouts and 3 footer types. In total, you can build 27 layout variations multiplied by 4 ready-to-go color schemes – quickly and intuitively, with just a couple of clicks. Also, this tool allows you to enable and disable live chat and newsletter pop-ups. Among the other features Kinder includes mega menus, sliders and social media widgets, all flavored with modern transition and hover effects. This responsive and mobile-friendly PrestaShop theme is the surest way to build long-term ties with your customers, grow a devoted community and maximize customer retention.