Moon Flower – Flower Shop WordPress Theme №64080

Moon Flower - Flower Shop WordPress Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $75 NULLED

Flowers WordPress Theme is a template of clean layouts, transparent backgrounds, and neat design. Everything you need for an all-winning online presence of your florist business!
You will have a chance to present your works by means of an irresistible gallery, it can be displayed on the homepage in a form of a creative card design. Google map is a useful tool that will help potential customers find your physical location in a matter of few clicks. Taking into account that this theme was licensed under GPL, you will have an absolute freedom in its usage. Ecwid support will give you a chance to start selling online without any additional payment. Flexible blog functionality is a hassle free way to spread a word about your business and involve target audience into your story. Create an outstanding florist site in an instant with Flowers WordPress Theme!

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