Price : $139 NULLED
This awesome flat design theme, featuring clear and intuitive layout along with user-friendly navigation, is a good choice for stores selling snorkeling equipment and other sports requisites. A fully-customisable section in the footer and a full-width image carousel at the top are designed to display the most important pieces of info. Beautifully animated product images, cloud zoom effect and image pop-ups are here to grab your customersa€™ attention.
- X-Cart compatibility: 5.3.x
- Additional Features: Crossbrowser Compatibility, Drop Down Minicart, Dropdown Menu, Flyout Menu, Favicon, Google Web Fonts, Cloud Search, Product Quick View, Sample content, Social Options, Tabs
- Additional Info: Well Documented, Customized Modules
- Animation: CSS3 plus JS
- Bootstrap Version: 3.3.6
- Categories View: Grid, List
- Coding: CSS 3, HTML 5, JQuery, Semantic Code, Valid Coding
- Currencies: Multiple currency
- Features: Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Responsive
- Functionality: Online Store/Shop, News, Static pages
- Gallery Script: Carousel, Slider
- Installation: Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).
- Language support: English, French, Russian, German
- Web Forms: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Search Form
- Width: 1920px